Yale Kavli Workshop: The Neuronal Cytoskeleton
This hybrid format workshop is organized by Shaul Yogev, PhD (Department of Neuroscience) and Joe Howard, PhD (Department of Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry) and sponsored by the Kavli Institute for Neuroscience. The workshop will feature Yale researchers including Tony Koleske, PhD, Joe Howard, PhD, Min Wu, PhD, and Shaul Yogev, PhD, as well as keynote speakers Erika Holzbaur, PhD (UPenn), and Vann Bennett, MD, PhD, (Duke
Vann Bennett, MD, PhD
George B. Geller Professor of Biochemistry, Professor of Cell Biology – Duke University
Erika Holzbaur, PhD
Professor, Department of Physiology – University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of
Joe Howard, PhD
Professor, Department of Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry – Yale
Tony Koleske, PhD
Professor, Department of Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry – Yale
Min Wu, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology – Yale
Shaul Yogev, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience – Yale
Pauline Charbogne, PhDpauline.charbogne@yale.edu
Free: Hybrid format – Registration TBD