Kavli SciComm Essentials

For science to benefit humanity, we support more than research itself. The Kavli Foundation is committed to ensuring the people, processes and products of science contribute meaningfully to society. Read more about our work at kavlifoundation.org/science-and-society
Kavli SciComm Essentials will help you expand your skills in public engagement and science communication through a suite of virtual offerings. From how to give a good talk and data visualization to relationship building and inclusion, there is something in the Kavli SciComm Essentials Library for everyone.

Kavli SciComm Essentials Library

Below we have Kavli SciComm Essentials sessions organized by theme. Not sure where to start? We created a special playlist with the fundamentals:

Spring 2024 Sessions

Download a copy of the Spring 2024 Kavli SciComm Essentials Program

Stay tuned for the Fall 2024 program, including sessions on how to give a good talk and communicating basic science!

Navigating Ethical and Societal Considerations in Discovery Science

Major scientific breakthroughs have the potential to transform our everyday lives, yet the same science that holds promise for progress can raise concerns and questions for society. As the rate of discoveries increases, there is a growing need to explore and understand potential ethical, societal, and civic implications. We shared perspectives from The Kavli Foundation about our approach to “Ethics, Science, and the Public,” as well as perspectives from the two Kavli Centers for Ethics, Science, and the Public (at UC Berkeley and Cambridge University). We also explored journeys of scientists in the Kavli Institute community navigating these issues.
  • Professor Anna Middleton – Director of the Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science, and the Public at University of Cambridge
  • Assistant Professor Lomax Boyd – Assistant Research Professor at Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics (formerly a postdoctoral fellow at Kavli Neural Systems Institute, The Rockefeller University)
  • Dr. Narayan Sankaran – Postdoctoral fellow at the Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public at UC Berkeley (formerly a postdoctoral fellow at Kavli Institute for Fundamental Neuroscience, UCSF)
  • Brooke Smith – Director, Science and Society at The Kavli Foundation


Integrating Communication and Engagement into your Scientific Career

Do you want to build public engagement and science communication into your already busy research career  but not sure how, or when to fit it in? Join Kavli Institute scientists to explore how they use clear and approachable science communication to promote broad appreciation and understanding of their scientific endeavors.

Fall 2024 Program – Coming Summer!

Webinars are virtual lectures with an opportunity for audience Q&A
Interactive Trainings are virtual sessions that will require active participation, discussion, and group work
These events are open to anyone affiliated with a Kavli Institute or Kavli Center – graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and staff are invited to join.

Want to learn more?

Click here for a playlist with all of the SciComm Essentials Sessions

Dr. Jeanne Garbarino hosts the Kavli SciComm Essentials series. Dr. Garbarino is a leading public engagement with science expert. In her role as Executive Director of Science Outreach at RockEDU, she works with faculty at The Rockefeller University, including members of the Kavli Neural Systems Institute.

To ensure you hear about new and upcoming events, please join our mailing list by emailing Science.and.Society@kavlifoundation.org.  Please note this list is only for Kavli Institute affiliates.