Speaker: Dr. Shu WANG (NAOC) Place: ? Time: Monday, December 27, 2021 – 1:30PM
Polarization and Kinematics observations toward the Class I protostar TMC-1A
Speaker: Dr. Yusuke ASO (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) Place: Zoom information: Meeting ID: 822 8287 7472 , Passcode: astroPKU , Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82282877472?pwd=VXFOYmtaRUhZMVplYWp1OFQ4OGsvQT09 Time: Monday, December 13,…
Epoch of Galaxy Quenching
The Epoch of Galaxy Quenching 2022 is now scheduled for the 5th-9th of September 2022. This will be a hybrid meeting, both online and on-site….
Connor Bottrell
Dr. Connor Bottrell recently started his postdoctoral research at IPMU in Japan. He’s passionate about
astrophysics but also makes sure to find time for barbequing and hiking. Learn more about Connor…
Universe or Multiverse?
IPMU Postdoc Colloquium Series Speaker: Andrei Linde (Stanford U) Title: Universe or Multiverse? Date (JST): Wed, Jan 19, 2022, 10:30 – 12:00 Place: Zoom, please…