Number Theory, Strings and Quantum Physics
May 31- June 5, 2021 (defined according to the Japanese Standard Time)
Organized by the Kavli IPMU (University of Tokyo)
This specialized workshop aims to bring together physicists and mathematicians who work with aspects of number theory. The idea is to enable an exchange of key ideas that will bring about novel avenues of research in the growing set of applications of number theory, geometry and physics. This workshop focuses primarily on the following topics:
1. Calabi-Yau Modularity
2. Invariants of manifolds
3. Dynamical systems and quantum chaos
4. Langlands correspondence
5. BPS state counting
This workshop is in close proximity to String Math 2021 (organized online by IMPA, Rio de Janeiro) and will be one of the satellite events to String Math 2021. This also ensures continued collaboration and exchange of ideas among participants.
Conference poster can be found here.
Abhiram Kidambi, Meer Ashwinkumar, Masahito Yamazaki